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Название: | Емоційно-оцінний компонент в асоціативному значенні слова (на прикладі слів-стимулів рекламної лексики) |
Другие названия: | Emotional and evaluative component in the associative meaning of the word (using the example of incentive words in advertising vocabulary) |
Авторы: | Денисевич, О. В. Denysevych, O. Плечко, А. А. Plechko, A. |
Ключевые слова: | рекламна лексика advertising vocabulary вільний асоціативний експеримент free associative experiment респонденти respondents слова-стимули words-stimuli емоційно-оцінні реакції emotional and evaluative reactions позитивні реакції positive reactions негативні реакції negative reactions |
Дата публикации: | 2021 |
Издатель: | Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського |
Библиографическое описание: | Денисевич О. Емоційно-оцінний компонент в асоціативному значенні слова (на прикладі слів-стимулів рекламної лексики) / О. Денисевич, А. Плечко // Наук. зап. Вінницького держ. пед. ун-ту ім. М. Коцюбинського. Сер. Філологія (мовознавство). – 2021. – Вип. 33. – С. 50–58. |
Аннотация: | У статті представлено результати вільного асоціативного експерименту з рекламною лексикою. Зокрема, зроблено спробу дослідження емоційно-оцінного компонента в асоціативному значенні слів-стимулів рекламної лексики. Результати дослідження дали змогу виокремити декілька емоційно-оцінних груп слів-стимулів рекламної лексики: словастимули, які викликають негативні реакції; слова-стимули, які викликають позитивні реакції; слова-стимули, які викликають здебільшого негативні реакції, але й позитивні (у меншій кількості); слова-стимули, які викликають більше позитивні реакції, менше – негативні реакції. Introduction. The article presents the results of a free associative experiment with advertising vocabulary. The lack of a systematic analysis of incentive words in this aspect determines the relevance of the proposed research.
Purpose. The aim of the study is to determine the emotional and evaluative component of words – stimuli of advertising vocabulary in associative fields. The implementation of this goal involves accomplishing the following tasks: to analyze the theoretical foundations of studying the emotional and evaluative component of word perception, to form a stimulus list of words related to advertising; to find reactions with the emotional-evaluative component in the associative fields of advertising vocabulary.
The subject of the research is the identification of reactions with an emotional and evaluative component in the associative fields of words-stimuli of advertising vocabulary.
Methods. The main research method is a free associative experiment. Effective and accessible methods for quickly obtaining language material. The provisions of the general theory of linguistics, which underlie the experimental research, allow us to record how internal (emotions, values, etc.) and external (age, profession, etc.) conditions in which a language as a human acquisition functions are related to the change of meanings and senses of words and their interrelations.
Results. The research materials were reactions to the following incentive words: NONGMO, PROFITABLE, INFLUENCE, SAVE, MEDIA, CONTENT, INTERNET, PICTURE, CATALOG, COPYWRITER, CREATIVE, MARKETING, PR, PURCHASE, PRINTING, SERVICE, PROFIT, ADVERTISING AGENT, ADVERTISING TEXT, SLOGAN, STEREOTYPE, TV, etc., received through a free associative experiment with 732 respondents from different parts of Ukraine.
The results of our experiment showed that there are stimuli that are predominant in sharply negative responses that represent a connotative fragment. For example, TV box 19, nonsense 5, lie 4, Evil 5, uninteresting, garbage, negative 2, waste of time, waste of time 2, harmful, Fool, waste of time, Panasonic, nonsense, unnecessary, trash, garbage 2, zombification, let them talk nonsense, dirt, do not watch.
Word-incentive PR has such reactions as pathos 4, trouble 1, lemon 1, Sin 1, lie 6, Suchт something 1, something 1, deception 3, dirt 5, falsehood 2, cruel 2. Among the overwhelming number of negative emotions of the PR stimulus, we singly have positive reactions: pride 1, bragging 1, fashionable 1.
As far as incentive words that have predominantly positive evaluative responses are concerned, the word PROFIT, for example, is associated with benefit, something very good, positive, encouragement, successful, stability, happiness, something to spend, money-money, Dream, opportunities, good, a lot of money, significant, the more, the better, as soon as possible, stability, Great News, Good Life, pleasure, clean 3, uplifting, good 3, High 2.
Associative response on the word-incentive SAVE is not the same: on the one hand, respondents agree to the call expressed by emotions: minimum costs, I try, it is necessary, well, correctly, a lot of money, I say, less, consume, get rich, do not spend ide time, reasonable, cheaper, depending on what, profitable, less. On the other hand, they deny it – eat less, never, lies, nonsense, less money, greedy, stingy, Impossible 3, limit yourself, little, useless, no money.
Originality. The article presents the first attempt to study the emotional and evaluative component in the associative meaning of words-stimuli of advertising vocabulary.
Conclusion. The results of the study allowed us to identify several emotional assessment groups of words-stimuli of advertising vocabulary: words-stimuli that cause negative reactions; words-stimuli that cause positive reactions; words-stimuli that cause mostly negative reactions, but also positive (in smaller numbers); words-stimuli that cause more positive reactions, mildly egative reactions. |
URI: | http://ir.polissiauniver.edu.ua/handle/123456789/15550 |
ISSN: | 2521-1293 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Статті
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