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Название: | Розвиток сільської економіки в умовах глобалізації: теорія, методологія, гендерний вимір |
Другие названия: | Rural economy development under conditions of globalisation: theory, methodology, gender dimension |
Авторы: | Куцмус, Н. М. Kutsmus, N. |
Ключевые слова: | розвиток development сільська економіка rural economy сільський розвиток rural development глобалізація globalization гендер gender гендерна рівність gender equality |
Дата публикации: | 2019 |
Издатель: | Житомирський національний агроекологічний університет |
Библиографическое описание: | Куцмус Н. М. Розвиток сільської економіки в умовах глобалізації: теорія, методологія, гендерний вимір : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня д-ра екон. наук : спец. 08.00.03. «Економіка та управління національним господарством» / Н. М. Куцмус. – Житомир, 2019. – 43 с. |
Аннотация: | У дисертаційній роботі систематизовано та розвинено теоретико-методологічні та прикладні засади дослідження гендерних особливостей розвитку сільської економіки в умовах глобалізації. Теоретично аргументовано невідповідність агроцентричної моделі сільської економіки викликам глобалізованого гуманістичного суспільства та переваги багатофункціональної моделі, розроблено методологію формування гендерних імперативів процесу її розвитку як відкритої соціально-економічної системи. Виявлено особливості формування моделей розвитку сільської економіки, що притаманні окремим країнам та регіонам світу, в контексті реалізації гендерної політики. Здійснено аналіз сучасних тенденцій розвитку сільських територій та проведено оцінку соціальних й еколого-економічних наслідків функціонування сільської економіки, доведено її гендерну асиметричність. Розроблено методичний інструментарій оцінювання проблеми гендерної нерівності в системі сільської економіки та обґрунтовано методологію дослідження її впливу на добробут сільського населення, здійснено моніторинг участі сільських жінок в реалізації цілей глобального розвитку. Обґрунтовано перспективи розвитку сільської економіки на засадах мейнстримінгу гендерної рівності, принципів інклюзивності, диверсифікації сільського бізнесу і просування знань та інновацій. The dissertation explores theoretical, methodological and applied basis of research of rural economy development gender peculiarities under conditions of globalization. Theoretical part of dissertation is focused on systematization and development of theories and models of rural economy according to the modern paradigm of neoruralizm. Moreover, it attempts to identify rural economy as a system that is able to transform endogenic potential of rural areas into certain level of rural development. The advantages of the multifunctional rural economy are justified. The level of human capital development, the bearers of which in globalized society are both men and women, is determined as a key factor of rural economy socioeconomic growth. Institutional frameworks of research help to integrate gender as a social institution, through which rural economy system is formed under the influence of social structure of society, in particular its gender parameters. The importance of focusing on gender peculiarities of rural economy development is argued as an approach allowing the differentiation of roles, responsibilities, opportunities and privileges available to men and women in rural society. The methodology of forming gender imperatives of multifunctional rural economy development as an open socioeconomic system is grounded.
Based on gender research at global and national levels, the differentiation of conceptual approaches of rural gender problems solving in world countries are identified. The existence of a close interconnection between gender equality and economic development of country is proved. The main reasons of gender inequality in rural economy of developing countries are determined: discrimination of rural women in education and labor market, community and resource management; restrictions of their mobility; feminized labor-intensive households and agricultural production; priority of investing development of boys, but not girls. It is underlined that highly developed countries also are faced with gender inequality but it has got latent character and is the result of neoliberal reforms, the limited efforts in resolving the conflict between career growth and family responsibilities. Interaction of gender and agricultural policies serves as a strategic base of forming gender sensitive environment for rural development, which helps to rethink women's role from beneficiaries of development programs to drivers of social and economic changes. According to the progressive trends and global priorities, gender equality is a part of sustainable development goals, advocating of which is the result of building gender sensitive hyper institutional environment.
According to the identified trends in rural development, it is argued that rural economy is faced with the problem of discrepancies of qualitative and quantitative parameters of the social capital of rural areas to the objective needs of economic growth. Production parameters of rural economy and insufficient level of ecological culture and responsibility of agrarian business create environmental threats to sustainable development. The system effect of these factors is determined through the negative global environmental profile of the country. Economic prospects for rural development in Ukraine are determined by formation of a bipolar agricultural model, which combines large-scale agribusiness and private households, opposite by technological and innovative potential. The crisis of rural areas development visualized the existence of macro-, meso- and micro-level gender asymmetries, which has various reasons and displays depending on the hierarchical level of rural economy. The main of them are the gap in economic activity and wages, the educational potential of men and women; vertical and horizontal segregation of labor; the disparity in the division of responsibilities in household management; the exclusiveness of the role of women in reproductive function, etc. The nature of the identified asymmetries suggests a lack of inclusiveness of rural economy for women.
Evaluation of gender inequality in functioning of rural economy and asymmetry of access to opportunities for men and women was done by adapting the methodology of UNDP. According to the results of analysis, there is no sustainable tendency to reduce losses in human development due to gender imbalances in the economic, educational, managerial and demographic spheres of rural development. The value of the gender inequality index for the rural population in comparison to its level for Ukrainian population as a whole demonstrates the discrimination of rural women and argues the necessity for reformatting and expanding gender roles on the basis of modern philosophy of gender mainstreaming. Used human centred research methodology is based on interpretation of population's well-being as a key indicator of rural economy development. Modelling of gender inequality impact on the material well-being of rural population proves the inverse interdependence, which serves as an argument for overcoming of all forms of discrimination and achievement of gender parity in rights and opportunities in social development and economic growth of rural areas.
The perspectives of rural economy development with orientation on gender equality are based on the gender mainstreaming, forming the inclusive model of development, diversification of rural business, providing gender-sensitive approach to transfer of knowledge and innovations. Implementation of gender mainstreaming concept into rural economy development policy allows political events and initiatives through the systematic inclusion of gender issues, priorities and needs of women and men in activities of all state institutions, promoting gender equality, mobilization of available instruments to achieve it. It is grounded that inclusive model of rural economy development, oriented at growth of population's material well-being, as well as formation of conditions for social cohesion and environment preservation, promotes reduction of poverty through employment and improvement of labour market and is the most responsible among the global priorities of sustainable development. Given the economic aspect of gender inequality in rural areas, diversification of rural business has critical importance under conditions of narrowing the social sphere of rural areas that increases the risks of further exclusion of women from labour market, diminishing their economic empowerment. It is underlined, that guaranteeing gender inclusion, taking into account the social consequences and the strength of market relations, accentuation on leadership are the key conditions of the effective process of innovative development. |
URI: | http://ir.polissiauniver.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16213 |
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